Macmillan Horizon Centre

When you don’t know where to turn, turn to us. Our experts at Macmillan Horizon Centre in Brighton are on hand with a warm welcome for anyone, at any point in their cancer experience, as well as their family and friends.

About the Macmillan Horizon Centre

Our Cancer Support Centre in Brighton 

Two people are sat down in lounge chairs. One person appears to be a Macmillan volunteer or employee.
Our experts are on hand with a warm welcome for anyone at any point in their cancer experience, as well as their family and friends. From help with money worries or how you’re feeling, to complementary therapies, we’re here. We’ll help you find other local cancer support services near you and across Brighton and further into Sussex.

The Macmillan Horizon Centre opened November 2016 and is a partnership between Macmillan Cancer Support, the Sussex Cancer Fund, and Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust.

Drop in to the Centre or call us on 01273 468770 to find out more.

How to get here

Macmillan Horizon Centre

2 Bristol Gate



01273 468770     


Find us opposite the Sussex Cancer Centre at the Royal Sussex County Hospital.

Visit the NHS University Hospitals Sussex website for maps to help you find your way around.


What3words location:

What3words address wires.views.wanted

This what3words address refers to a 3 metre square location. You can enter the 3 words above into the what3words app or on their website to find the Macmillan Horizon Centre.

  • Opening hours

    Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm.

    Scheduled activities and some pre-booked appointments and activities are available in the evenings and on weekend. Closed on bank holidays. 

    You don't need an appointment to access our support. You can contact us as many times as you need. However, if you are making a special trip you can arrange an appointment by calling us at 01273 468770 or emailing

  • Café
    The Café is fully open for dine in and take away. We are also hosting a food bank for people living with and affected by cancer in Sussex.

    Café opening hours:
    Monday to Thursday 9am - 4:30pm
    Friday 9am - 3:30pm
  • Public transport

    By bus
    Routes 1, 1A, 7, N7 14B, 14C, 23, 27C, 37, 37B, 47, 52, 57, 71, 73, 94A, 271 and 272 all stop outside the hospital.

    View bus times online or call Brighton and Hove Bus Company on 01273 886 200.

    The 271 and 272 bus services run between the Princess Royal Hospital and Royal Sussex County Hospital. These services are free to patients carrying an appointment letter for the date of travel.

    By train
    Brighton Station is the nearest station. From the station, you can catch a bus or get a taxi to the hospital. Bus route 7 runs to the hospital from stop A at the front of the station up to every 6 minutes.

    For more information about public transport visit the Brighton and Hove City Council website.

  • Patient transport service
    The patient transport service is available for patients who are unable (for medical reasons) to use public or private transport. You can access this through your GP.
  • Car Parking

    We have two dedicated accessible parking spaces at the Horizon Centre. Those who have a blue badge are welcome to use them. There is an area for pick up and drop off only.

    Nearest car parking is available at the University Hospital Sussex NHS Foundation Trust

    Concessions are available for cancer centre patients, patients who are in hospital for a long period and their relatives and carers. Parking is free for specific patient groups such as those undergoing regular dialysis.

    Parking for patients to the Cancer Centre is available opposite at the Macmillan Horizon Centre Cancer Support on Bristol Gate, Brighton. Patients using this car park need a permit from the Cancer Centre which can be obtained during their first appointment.

    Royal Sussex County Hospital onsite multi-storey car park

    The multi-storey car park is accessed from Bristol Gate by turning left just after the A&E entrance.

    There are 20 accessible parking spaces on Levels 6 and 6a which gives direct access into the hospital. There are six dedicated renal bays for regular renal patients.

    There are a small number of pick up/drop off bays inside the entrance to the multi storey car park. There is a 20 minute grace period for people using these bays after which charges will apply.

    Charges (correct as of January 2023):

    • 0 to 2 hours £4.20
    • 2 to 4 hours £8.40
    • 4 to 6 hours £11.00
    • 6 to 12 hours £11.00
    • 12 to 24 hours £18.20

    Over 24 hours £18.00 plus the appropriate tariff above for the excess time parked

    The pay stations accept cash, notes and debit/credit cards, give change and have an intercom if you need help.

  • Accessibility
    Wheelchair accessible, step-free access and automated door.
  • Accessible toilet facilities
    Accessible toilet facilities are available at the Macmillan Horizon Centre.

Our cancer support services

Our expert staff and volunteers in Brighton are here to help everyone living with cancer and their loved ones. Our support and information services include:

  • Information and support for anyone at any point in their cancer experience
  • Help with money worries and information on welfare benefits and money advice
  • Psychological therapies including counselling and hypnotherapy
  • Complementary therapies including massage, reiki, acupuncture, and more
  • Haircare, skincare, and headwear services
  • Support to exercise and eat well
  • Courses and workshops including health and wellbeing workshops
  • Carers' and other peer support groups
  • Community allotment and walking group.

Visit us to speak to a member of our team to find out more about what we offer. You can also phone us on 01273 468770 or email to learn more about our services.

Help with money worries

Financial and cost of living support from the Horizon Centre

We know that cancer can be tough on your finances. Our team can help with:

  • Travel costs to the hospital for cancer treatment
  • Hospital parking costs
  • Information about free prescriptions
  • Help with the cost of living
  • Signposting to local support in Brighton and Sussex.

Our Welfare Benefit Advisers at the Macmillan Horizon Centre can also offer telephone appointments and give you advice on benefits you could claim.

Drop in today or call us direct on 01273 468770 to find out more.

Managing emotions

Sometimes you may just want to talk to someone, and we’re here with whatever you need.

We are a listening ear and can also give you information on how to manage your feelings when you have cancer, before, during and after treatment.

We work closely with local services in Brighton and Sussex and can tell you about psychological support including counselling and other services through the Macmillan Psychological Therapies Team and the East Sussex Macmillan Counselling service.

Below is a list of services we provide.

  • During hypnotherapy the therapist uses a gentle guiding voice to lead people into a relaxed state. People are still conscious and are able to choose how they respond to the therapist.

    The hypnotherapist can then use suggestion to try to help people to gain some control over a problem. Hypnotherapy is offered for a short period of four to six sessions around a specific problem.

Supporting someone with cancer

If your partner, family member, friend or colleague has cancer, there can be a lot to think about.

You may not see yourself as a carer. You may think you are just helping out.

Recognising if you are a carer can be an important step in getting the support you need. We have information to help you with the practical questions, courses to help build communication skills, strategies to help with relationship issues, ideas about looking after yourself and lowering stress.

Also, we can help with financial impacts of supporting someone with cancer.

The Macmillan Horizon Centre is here to help.

Find out more about supporting someone with cancer from Macmillan

Group sessions, peer support and workshops

Group sessions and workshops

Our groups sessions and workshops at our Macmillan Horizon Centre are are designed for people living with cancer. These include:

  • Eat Well, Feel Better Workshop
  • Strength Workshops
  • Art for Wellbeing Course
  • Yoga Course
  • Health and wellbeing workshops.

Support with physical activity SCF Active Outlook

A FREE programme in Sussex for anyone facing cancer. Our cancer exercise specialists provide tailored one-on-one support and diverse group classes to boost your activity levels and well-being throughout your journey - before, during, and after treatment. Regardless of your current fitness level or treatment stage, reclaim control and feel empowered with us.

: 01273 468774

Peer support groups in Sussex

Being part of a group of people who have been through similar experiences is called peer support. Groups can help at any point in your cancer journey, just after diagnosis or after treatment has ended as they have an understanding of what you are going through.

There is a range of cancer peer support groups in Sussex and the Macmillan Horizon centre has information on cancer support groups near you. 

Body image support workshops

Table of mannequin heads with wigs, books that contain information about wigs, and styling products.

Cancer and its treatments can change your body and appearance. They can also affect how you feel about yourself. We have workshops working with organisations like:

To find out more or to book a session visit the Horizon Centre to speak to a member of our team. 

Schedule of services and events

If you would like to find out more about the workshops, groups sessions, and peer support available at the Macmillan Horizon Centre and how to book on to them, please call us on 01273 468770 or email

Download the March 2025 schedule

Information and support across Sussex

Visit the online noticeboard below to find details and links to information and support available across Sussex.

View the online noticeboard

Horizon Connect

What is Horizon connect?

Horizon Connect offers you contact and support in a way that works best for you, whether that’s a regular phone call, an online support group or help ‘as and when’.

How does it work?

Virtual support – meet up with others ‘face-to-face’ in a facilitated, online support group

We will be running a virtual Horizon Connect online support group session on Fridays at 10.30am for 45 minutes. To access these sessions email and we will email you back with instructions on how to join. This is easily done and is free. This will be a facilitated session that will allow a virtual video meeting with others. It allows you to talk with those in similar positions and can provide both support and practical hints and tips.

Phone support – get regular phone-based support or just call us for a chat

You can phone us on 01273 468770 between 9am and 4pm. During an initial phone call with either Matt or Elaine, you can determine if you would like follow-up call/s and the frequency of these. Follow up calls will be carried out by our wonderful Macmillan Horizon Centre Information & Support Volunteers, whom many of you may have met at the Horizon Centre.

Email support – access flexible support as and when you want it

You can email us at This option allows you to be in touch by email, as and when you wish, or regularly. The advantage of this is that it is not at a fixed time, which may suit some people better.


Volunteers play a vital role at the Macmillan Horizon Centre. We couldn't offer these services without people like you. If you have the time and skills to help us support people affected by cancer, please get in touch today.

You can browse all opportunities or find out more about the different services below to find the best way for you to get involved.

Discover volunteering roles at Macmillan